Happy Father's Day

Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out "Abba," Father.
Galatians 4:6
Dad, Daddy, Pop, and Papa are all familiar names that fathers are given by their children.  Each one is special and coveys a close relationship.  In Galatians 4:6, Paul says believers have a very unique relationship with their heavenly Father.  The Holy Spirit calls out "Abba," and we too have that privilege as God's child if we have accepted Jesus as our Savior.  At the moment anyone turns from their sinful, selfish ways and receive Christ's offer of salvation, redemption happens.  The Father is there to guide, direct, and counsel His child if they but turn to Him.  Even more than our earthly father, our heavenly Father knows us and desires to see us grow and and mature in the faith daily.
On Sunday we celebrate Father's Day.  Give thanks for your earthly father and all he has done for you.  Express your gratitude with more than a shirt or tie.  (Do men even wear them anymore???)  Try writing a note expressing your love and thankfulness for him and his impact in your life.  If he's passed on, reflect back on memories of his lovingkindness shown to you and thank God for him.  Don't forget to spend a few moments meditating also on your heavenly Abba and His gift to us of salvation found through Jesus Christ. 
Written by: Lois Dahlstrom

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